The Proverbs... by Andrea Maximilianus Fredro
A study on the aphoristic collection entitled Przysłowia... (The Proverbs..., published anonymously in 1658), written by Andrea Maximilianus Fredro – the author known for his several Latin works rather than for Polish aphorisms.

It it’s been a few years now since the publication of my monograph on an aphoristic collection by Andreas Maximilianus Fredro (1620–1679) entitled Przysłowia mów potocznych (The Proverbs…). I believe, however, that this study is still not entirely outdated. The monograph is a slightly extended version of my PhD thesis. It discusses a collection of “winged words”, quite popular in the past but slightly forgotten now, partially compiled and partially composed by Fredro. This collection used to be an important point of reference for Polish aphoristic writers. The monograph discusses philological (textual) aspects of the collection, intertextual correlation between traditional (folk) proverbs and those composed by Fredro himself, development of a new way of writing (non-fiction prose split into discrete aphorisms); the last part of the study is an attempt at hermeneutic interpretation of the problems undertaken by Fredro in his work.
Eder, M. (2008). U źródeł aforystyki polskiej. Studium o „Przysłowiach” Andrzeja Maksymiliana Fredry. Wrocław: Atut.